July 27, 2024

Jinja, Uganda – The National Synod Board of Trustees of the Lutheran Church of Uganda convened for her 1st quarter meeting on 22nd March, 2024.

The meeting discussed a number of topics including Pastoral Ministry, Church planting Leadership and Governance restructuring. The Board received the Secretariate Restructuring Report, and other report including those for the Youth, Women, Deaneries ànd the Laity.

In his closing remarks, Bishop Charles Bameka, Chairman of the National Synod Board of Trustees, expressed gratitude for the commitment and dedication of the LCU Board Members and thus emphasized the calling of the Church to fulfill the Mission of Proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ, show love, compassion, and the Grace of God throughout Uganda.

The National Synod Board of Trustees remains steadfast in its pursuit of Gospel proclamation and Outreach, piritual growth, Leadership Training, Community service, and fostering a vibrant Lutheran community.