July 27, 2024

Two couples exchanged their vows in-front of the Church, family and friends at Ngetta Lutheran Church, Lira District, Northern Deanery.

The ceremony began with a beautiful processional as the brides and grooms, each accompanied by their respective wedding parties, made their way down the aisle. The church was filled with a sense of love and joy as the couples joined together in holy matrimony.

The first couple, Ojok Isac and Kissa Rwot Mercy had been together before deciding to take the next step in their relationship. They shared a deep love and commitment to one another and were excited to share this moment with their loved ones.

The second couple, Stephen Ogwal and Scovia Apio, had a whirlwind romance that started just a few years ago.

The ceremony was conducted by the Reverend James Odoo Okello, and the National Presiding Bishop Charles Bameka who spoke about the importance of marriage and the sacredness of the vows that the couples were about to exchange. The couples, in turn, promised to love, cherish and support one another throughout their lives.

The wedding ceremony was followed by a reception where guests were treated to sumptuous food and drinks as they danced and celebrated the newlyweds.

The wedding service was a reminder of the power of love and the importance of commitment in relationships. The couples exchanged their vows with great joy and happiness in the presence of God and their loved ones, and the entire ceremony was a beautiful celebration of unity and love.