July 27, 2024

The LCU quaterly Pastors Conference was held 21st March at Jinja City Hotel, this was the 1st Pastors’ Conference since the National Synod Conference held December 2023. The conference, brings together LCU Pastors from across the Country and all Deaneries.

The Conference serves as a platform for Collegial fellowship & Support, Church Mission focus & evaluation, plan for Pastors Professional Development, and presentation of reports and outreach ministry evaluation. The pastors also engage the National Synod Board of Trustees in a Church Ministry Discussion.
The Pastors met, under the theme “ Managing the growth with in LCU – the Challenge and the opportunities of Pastoral Ministry.

The Conference brought together 39 Pastors from accross the LCU Deaneries who focused on evaluating the impact of The LCU Growth and Expanssion on the Pastoral Ministry within the Church Body. The Key note address was Participants were treated to insightful “Keynote Adress” by Pastor James Odoo, the Nation Synod Coordinator”.
The National Presiding Bishop, Rev. Charles I Bameka addressed the conference highlighting the impact of pastoral ministry on the growth of the LCU.

The Conference also provided a space for the pastor to reflect on the challenges and opportunities theyvfaced while serving as Pastors within the Lutheran Church of Uganda over the years.

As the conference drew to a close, many of the participants expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to come together in such a meaningful way.

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