July 27, 2024

The Midwestern Deanery  welcomed the National Presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Uganda to Hanga Lutheran Church in Hoima district for a special Divine worship service. The service was led by the area Dean, Rev. Raymond Kaija, as part of the Presiding Bishop’s pastoral visit to the deanery.

The Bishop, Rev. Charles I Bameka, not only presided over the worship service but also led a fundraising ceremony for the construction of the Hang Luthran church’s Permanent building. The area Dean Rev Raymond Kaija and Rev Peter Maganda the Dean Eastern Deanery, Mr Magezi Fred the National Head of Laity, Deanery Pastors and the  congregation came together to support this important project.

After the fundraising ceremony, the Presiding Bishop, Dean Raymond Kaija, Dean Maganda Peter, Mr Magezi Fred and other Deanery pastors took the time to inspect the land that was been purchased for the construction of Holy Trinity Lutheran Churchin Hoima.

He however met with Deanery leaders.

Also, during the service, 5 children were baptized into the Church a ceremony led by Rev Raymond Kaija the Dean Midwestern Deanery.