July 27, 2024

At a divine Worship Service held at the Chapel of Lutheran Theological College Uganda, seven men were commissioned to for their Vicarage serve at various congregations across the LCU. The commissioning ceremony took place during a Sunday divine service at the Our Savior Lutheran Church in Magamaga, and was presided over by the National Presiding Bishop, Charles I. Bameka, assisted by the Dean Eastern deanery, Rev. Maganda Peter, Principal of the Seminary, Rev Volmir Da Rocha, and the Academic Dean, Rev. Benard Mwesigwa and other clergy.

Vicars; Keuber Dentony, Kagoda William, Dhiwota Christopher, Mubiru David, Odur Polycarp, Ngobi Paul and Nkwanga Hamid Charles, will serve in different congregations across the region, putting into practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies at the Lutheran Theological College Uganda. After one year of vicarage in their respective congregations, they will return to the College for their final year of study.

Congregtion doing the service

The commissioning ceremony was a significant event, highlighting the importance of Theological Education and the role of the Lutheran Church of Uganda in nurturing and supporting the next generation of Pastors and Church Leaders.