July 27, 2024

This Palm Sunday was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm in the Lutheran Church of Uganda as believers gathered to commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

The celebration began with a procession, where members carried palm branches and sang hymns, just as the people did over two thousand years ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The atmosphere was electric, as the congregation praised God for His goodness and mercy.

The services were led by LCU Pastors in all the Deaneries spread across the country, and all emphasized the importance of Palm Sunday as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and love for His people. The sermon focused on the significance of the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem and how it represented humility and peace.

In some dearies like Mid Western and South Western a  number of converts were confirmed into church.

As the service came to a close, Rev Raymond Kaija the Dean Mid Western Deanery who led the service at Masindi Town Lutheran Church, called upon the congregation to use this Palm Sunday as an opportunity to reflect on their lives and rededicate themselves to serving Christ.

The members of the congregation left the service feeling uplifted and inspired, ready to face another week with renewed faith and strength.