July 27, 2024
Lutheran HMs and Bursars

Bursars and Head teachers of all LCU and HH4U attending a workshop on financial management at Jinja City Hotel in Jinja City on 12th /05/2022.

The Lutheran Church of Uganda, Finance department identified the need for a financial training to help foster Proper financial management practices in schools by skilling the bursars on the various financial practices. The need arose from the various support supervision visits that were conducted by the finance department staff in these schools.

All the bursars and head teachers of schools under the umbrella of the Lutheran Church of Uganda attended the workshop except Ishongororo Lutheran school.

The Workshop took place on 12th May 10, 2022 under the theme “Professional Accounting for Results”. The topics handled included Record Keeping, General Books of Accounts, General financial management, Financial Reporting, Auditing, Professional Ethics among others.  Each of the members of the finance team presented to the audience with head of the finance department Mr. Okello George Francis being the presenter team lead.

Heartaches and Bursars of all LCU and HH4U schools attending a financial training program at Jinja City hotel on 12th/05/2022

Expectations after the workshop include keeping of good and authentic financial records, Timely financial reporting, practice of the agreed upon financial management practices. This will help promote financial transparency in the Lutheran Church of Uganda education institutions

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