July 27, 2024

Pastor Clifford Hellmers the Retired Pastor of Vestavia Hills Lutheran Church, Birmingham, Alabama attended the Worship Services, visited communities and schools where he has bee sponsoring and giving support to, in his course of partnership.

During the services that were presided over by the National Presiding Bishop Rev Charles Bameka, Pastor Cliff led the surmons and he (Pastor Cliff) opens up about his last Visit to Uganda due to his disabledness and aging.

The partner, first visited Zion Luthera Chutch, Kamuli luthers Church, and Bubago Lutheran Church before he returned to USA.

Pastor Clifford Hellmers with Bishop Bameka at Kamuli Luthera Church.

Pastor Cliff has worked with Lutheran Church of Uganda since 2005! He urged parents to put their children school, Love them and support them.