July 27, 2024

C2U visited Bulopa Lutheran Church today the 28th of March 2023. The Team led by Julie Stroder taught the Children christian songs and Bible stories and shared with them paper-art-work for painting.

Kid after Painting

The children were given sweets, which they enjoyed so much.

Kids given sweets

Men and Women were gathered for Bible Studies conducted by Pastor Emmanuel Batwawula, who also serves as the overseer of the local congregation.

Women and men gathered for Bible Studies

The women were later led through the process of using reusable pads and each was given a set of reusable pads to take home.

Women happy for recieving the Visitors

Many received Tshirts and were very thankful for the gift.

The team was later entertained in traditional kisoga music and dance!

Dancing and Entataining
Playing the Xylophone

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