July 27, 2024

The Lutheran Church of Uganda, a prominent Christian denomination, confirmed into the church at leat 9 men and women at Ngetta Lutheran Church,  Lira District in Northern Deanery, a service that brought together an enthusiastic congregation, clergy, and young individuals ready to publicly affirm their commitment to Christ..

The service was characterized by a spirit of joy and celebration as the confirmands entered the sacred sanctuary. The vibrant atmosphere was further enhanced by the uplifting local Hymns provided by the church choir and the heartfelt prayers led by the clergy, setting the stage for a deeply spiritual experience.

The service included solemn vows, biblical readings, and teachings aimed at deepening the participants’ understanding of their faith.

Rev Charles I Bameka, the national presiding Bishop,  delivered a powerful sermon centered around the significance of the confirmation vows and the responsibilities they entail. He emphasized the importance of living out the Gospel values, being witnesses of Christ’s love, and actively engaging in the ministry of the church.

“As these young individuals affirm their faith today, let us remember our collective responsibility to support and guide them in their spiritual journey,” stated Bishop Bameka. “Their commitment is not merely an individual act but a call to strengthen our entire congregation and spread the light of Christ to the world.” he added.

The newly confirmed members were warmly received into the Lutheran Church of Uganda family, with the congregation expressing their love, support, and encouragement for the confirmands. The ceremony concluded with a blessing imparted upon each participant, affirming their place within the church community and their role in sharing the message of God’s grace.

The Lutheran Church of Uganda continues to play a pivotal role in fostering the spiritual growth of its members. Through events such as the Confirmation Service, the church provides a platform for individuals to publicly declare their faith and commitment, while also reinforcing the core values that guide their lives.