July 27, 2024

The Luheran Church of Uganda has continued with the Regional Pastoral Leadership Institute International (PLII) with training at the Jinja Regional Training Center. The training has brought together 13 Couples from the Eastern Deanery of the LCU.

The Year Three PLII Training focuses on the main objective of demonstrating, from God’s Word the Bibilical Bass for  Involving Everyone, Everyday, Everywhere, in God’s Mission.

With this objective, participants have learnt that the pastor is critically important, but the work of the Kingdom and Christ’s mission of makingdisciples of all nations are not going to be accomplished if it is only, or primarily, the pastor that is doing the work of the Kingdom. Participants have been reminded that it takes all of God’s people together doing the work under the leadership and guidance of pastors and spiritual leaders in the LCU Missional Communities.

The theme for PLII Year Three is “Together in Mission.” It’s about all of God’s people working together for the sake of Christ’s mission on earth. God’s design is that every one of God’speople are working together every day and in every place for the sake of making disciples of all nations.