July 27, 2024

12 couples were awarded certificates of completion for their successful participation in the Pastoral Leadership Institute International Conference held at Jinja City hotel.

A couple recieving a Certificate

The conference was the 2nd out of 5 Year 3 Regional PLII Conferences, which lasted for 5days, gathered clergy members and their spouses from various deaneries to enhance their leadership skills and strengthen, known for its comprehensive curriculum and rigorous training, is widely regarded as a prestigious platform for clergy members focusing on equipping participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the challenges of leading congregations in an ever-evolving world.

The event of Certificates awarding was graced by the National Presiding Bishop, Charles I Bemeka, Rev Peter Maganda, Rev James Odoo Okello and their wives.

Bishop Bameka During the Surmon

The Conference closure cames with a devine worship presided over by Bishop Charles I Bameka who took then through the Holly Communion, Offerings and blessings.