July 27, 2024

The Ngetta Lutheran Church in Lira, Northern deanery was filled with love and joy on Sunday 14th,2023 as a double couple wedding took place alongside an ordination ceremony and holy communion.

Friends and family of the two couples gathered in the church and witnessed their exchange of vows as they committed to spending the rest of their lives together. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. Charles I Bameka the national Presiding Bishop who reminded the couples that love, forgiveness, and faithfulness are the key ingredients for a successful marriage.

The church also witnessed the ordination of 4 pastors. With hands laid on him by senior church leaders, the newly ordained pastor promised to serve the church with humility and zeal to fulfill God’s purpose.

The icing on the cake was holy communion, where the congregation reflected on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of his resurrection. The church was filled with hymns, prayers, and praises as believers partook in the holy sacrament, a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice, death, and resurrection.

“It was a blessed Sunday,” said Rev. Bameka, the presiding Bishop during the ceremony. “We are extremely delighted that two couples have tied the knot and sworn to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. Additionally, we have also witnessed the ordination of new pastor who promises to serve this church with humility and passion. Above all, we gave thanks and celebrated the holy communion, an act that shows our faith and trust in Christ Jesus.”

The event was the culmination of months of preparations and prayers, and the couples and the new pastors were congratulated by the congregation for their dedication to the church and their faith.

The Lutheran Church of Uganda remains committed to spreading the word of God and witnessing the union of believers in holy matrimony. It is through such ceremonies that the church continues to inspire hope and strengthen the faith of its members.