July 27, 2024

The Lutheran Church in Partnership with Christ Community International jointly organized a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a National Secondary Secondary School at Kawete Village, Iganga District.

The Gathering of People at the Venue.

The groundbreaking ceremony was graced by the presence of 10 members of the LCU Board of Directors, the National Presiding Bishop, Charles I Bameka, LCU Deans; Rev. James Odoo Northern Uganda Deanery, Rev. Peter Maganda Eastern Uganda Deanery, Rev. Nicholus Bwire Far Eastern Uganda Deanery. Rev. Raymond Kaijja Mid-Western Ugànda Deanery, the National Head of Laity Mr. Fred Magezi, and his Deputy Eng. Fredrick Nandhubu, LCU Office Staff, LCU local Pastor, Local Village Leaders, CCLS School Staff and Kids and the Christ Community International Mission Team Members led by Dr. Kent and Katie, as well as Pastor David Meggers and his wife Jannet.

Pupils and Parents.

The Kawete Lutheran Secondary School construction, which is expected to commence soon, shall be completed by the end of 2023. The National School will serve students from all over the LCU Nationally.

Christ Community International works in partnership with the Lutheran Church of Uganda

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