July 27, 2024

Okeng Joshua during his baptism

Rev james odoo Okello, the dean of Northern Deanery, Conducted a divine service at Ngetta Lutheran Church where the church had bought choir gown and welcomed two new Christians in the Church. Silas Torohdi formerly a Jehovah Witness and Okello Carrick who was formerly a Muslim. The congregation is organizing them to join seminary training in August.

From Kassim to Joshua, the 30 years old Okeng Joshua married with 3 kids hailing from a Muslim family socked his siblings when he came to Ngetta Lutheran wanting to be baptized. In most of his life time he had rarely attended Muslim service but he would call himself a Muslim. He confessed that after the death of his mom who had become a Roman catholic he saw that Christianity is more open to its preaching than Muslim.

He said he had been attending the Lutheran Church in hiding and he didn’t want the church to know it. “Today I am here to be prayed for and to be baptized into the Lutheran faith. I have been drinking out of frustration and my family had all along been fighting one another after the death of our mom.” He said he had chosen the name ‘Joshua’ because God has delivered him form the bondage. Regarding ‘Joshua’, Moses had already prayed for mercy on his behalf, as it says: “And Moses called Hoshea Yehoshua (Joshua) – meaning, may God save you from the intrigue of the scouts.” Talmud.

Here therefore we see the hand of God at work, from Kassim which means ‘divided” now Joshua has been delivered. In reality, Joshua was already divided among the family members, none of the family members were concern about him. He was one time thrown of the family land and he went and rented for almost three years. Now he is loved and he have peace with the siblings!

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