July 27, 2024

Magamaga – Uganda, The Lutheran Church of Uganda is gearing up for its upcoming National Synod Conference, scheduled to take place between the 6th – 11th of December 2023.

The National Synod Conference serves as the highest decision making organ of the LCU and deliberate on important matters concerning the church’s Mission, Vision, Policy, Affiliation, Constitution and future direction.

During the four-day conference, one of the key highlights will be the election of new leaders to serve in various positions within the church. Delegates will have the responsibility of selecting individuals who will guide and lead the Church in the coming years, including the National Presiding Bishop, Deans, Representatives for the Clergy, Laity, Women, and Youths.

In addition to the official business of the conference, there will also be moments of Worship, Prayer, and Fellowship. The Conference is expected to attract over 180 Delegates coming from the 7 Deaneries of the Lutheran Church of Uganda.  a large number of attendees, including pastors, lay leaders, Women, Youths, Men, International Delegates as well as other church members.

As the conference draws near, preparations are underway to ensure a smooth and successful gathering. The organizing committee is working diligently to create an engaging and impactful environment that will meet the needs and expectations of participants.

The National Synod Conference for the LCU which takes place every after 4 years, is a significant event that plays a vital role in shaping the future of the church. It serves as a platform for collaboration, growth, and collective decision-making. With the conference just around the corner, anticipation is building as participants eagerly await this important gathering.