July 27, 2024

A mission team from Christ Community International recently visited Christ Community Lutheran School, Kawete in Iganga as part of their efforts to support education in underprivileged communities.

The team, consisting of Dr Kenti and Wife Katie Killian along with Pastor Megas and his Wife, from Christ Community International, Missouri, USA, a Lutheran church in the United States, traveled to Uganda to visit the Christ Community Lutheran Church and School, Kawete in Iganga District.
The school serves over 400 students from the local community, many of whom come from impoverished backgrounds.

Katie Killian while speaking to the Nursary Pupils

During their visit, the mission team participated in classroom activities and interacted with the students, teachers, and staff. They also attended the Groundbreaking for the Construction of a National Secondary School, in Kawete in Iganga, donated educational materials, including books, pens, Tshirts and other supplies to the school.

Dr Kenti while organising the Supplies

“The visit to Christ Community Lutheran Nursery and Primary School was a humbling experience. We were impressed by the dedication of the teachers and the eagerness of the pupils to learn,” said Katie Killian.

The school’s Headteacher, expressed her gratitude for the team’s visit and their support. “We are very grateful to the mission team especially Dr Kent and Katie for their kind gesture. Their visit has brought joy to our pupils and teachers, and the educational materials they donated will be very useful in our teaching and learning activities,” she said.

The Christ Community Lutheran School is part of the Lutheran Church in Uganda, which operates several schools and educational programs across the country. The church’s mission is to provide quality education to underprivileged children and to promote Christian values and teachings.

The mission team’s visit to the school was part of a broader effort to support education in underprivileged communities in Uganda. The team also visited other schools and educational programs in the country and donated educational materials and supplies.

Dr Kent Providing Medicare to some Community Members

“We believe that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals and communities. Our visit to Uganda was a small contribution to this cause, and we hope that it will make a difference in the lives of the students and teachers we met,” said another mission team member.

The visit to the Christ Community Lutheran Nursery and Primary School, Kwete was a testament to the power of partnerships and collaborations between CCI and LCU.

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