October 23, 2024

Ibanda, Uganda, Congregants from the South Western Deanery (SWD) of the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) came together to celebrate 20 years of Lutheranism in the Region.  They especially celebrated the response to the Great Commission based on Matthew 28, which call believers to “go into the world and make disciples, teaching the word of God and baptize them in the name of the Triune God. Apart from the two days Convention, the faithfuls participated in the installation of Rev,  Athanasias Twehangane as the Pastor Kemihoko Lutheran Church, Ishongororo.

The convention, held at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ishongororo, Ibanda District from April 12th to 14th, was presided over by Rev. Akuwa James, Dean Central Deanery of the LCU, who represented the National Presiding Bishop. 

The workshop saw over ten congregation leaders gather to discuss strategies for spreading the Gospel. On Sunday, during the installation ceremony of Pastor Athanasios at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kemikoko, more than 1,200   people—including children—filled the .church building and compound.

One of the highlights of the convention was the participation of over 200 communicants members in the Lord’s Supper amidst hymns that echoed through the church, believers shared in the sacred body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ , reaffirming their faith and connection to God.  Dignitaries, including the area Member of Parliament and the Vice Chairman of LCV Ibanda District, who graced the occasion, emphasizing the importance of the LCU’s mission work in their Constituency and District respectively.

Despite challenges faced by Mission Work in the region, the SWDeanery has witnessed remarkable spiritual growth and the former members who had drifted away from the LCU are one-by-one returning drawn by the Holy Spirit and the palpable power of God.  Local congregations stepped up to meet the needs of member churches and missions, demonstrating resilience and compassion.

To those serving on the Mission and Outreach Ministry in the SWD LCU, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your Prayers, Wisdom, Friendship, and Love have made a lasting impact on all.

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