July 27, 2024

The Lutheran Church of Uganda hosted the Pastoral Leadership Institute International Conference for Trainers of Trainers (TOTs), at Jinja City Hotel- Walukuba in Jinja. The event, which took place from 22nd to 26th Jan 2024 brought together the Trainers from different deaneries.

The TOTs program aimed to equip Trainers with advanced leadership and pastoral mentorship skills, enabling them to effectively train and mentor others in discipleship ministry.

The attendees includes the LCU national Presiding Bishop, Charles I Bameka and Wife Eva, Rev Raymond Kaija the Dean Midwestern Deanery and wife Monic, Rev Peter Maganda, Dean Eastern Deanery and wife Elizabeth and Rev James Odoo Okello the National Synod Co-ordinator and wife Isabbella, and Head of Laity Fred Magezi and wife Mable.

Pastor Paul and Beth Schult, the mentors of the TOTs, were glad to see the 5coupled complete the 4th and final year of training. They , expressed their enthusiasm about the impact of the TOTs program. This institute is a crucial platform for building the capacity of our LCU church leaders

The LCU has long been committed to nurturing and developing its pastoral leadership. The TOTs program is part of its broader efforts to ensure that its clergy are well-equipped to address the spiritual and social needs of their congregations in an ever-changing world.

The TOTs have been training 5 Regional PLII Confrences each year for the past three years around the country. These Regional Conferences will be entering tbeir 4th and final year of traing this year!