July 27, 2024

The Lutheran Church of Uganda was received into Alter and Pulpit Fellowship at the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod (LCMS).

For the Alter and Pulpit Fellowship between the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) and The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) begun 30th July 2023 for our Quia subscription to the Book of Concord and for our work together in Christ and His Word.

This took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with Rev. Dr. Mathew C. Harrison President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod presiding over the function in front of over 1,000 delegates and international partners and visitors from over 30 countries.

The National Presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Uganda Bishop Charles I. Bameka represented the Lutheran Church of Uganda on the Occasion. Other key individuals present included; Mr. Fred Magezi Mutungi – LCU Head of Laity, Rev. James Odoo Okello – LCU National Synod Coordinator (General Secretary), Bishop John S. Donkoh, 1st Missionary to the Lutheran Church Mission in Uganda, Mr. Stephen Maxwell – LCU Volunteer Worker and Partner among others.

In his address to the Convention, Bishop Charles Isabirye Bameka said; “…I take this opportunity, on behalf of the LCU, to recognize and thank President Mathew Harrison, all Individuals and Congregations of the LCMS and all others, who have partnered with and supported the ministry and growth of the LCU thus far. May God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit lead and guide us as ‘We together Preach Christ Crucified.’ 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.